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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Self appreciation Statements or Self Celebration techniques

The best self apprecitation techniques I learned from the site

Here is some examples :

15. I can’t change others, but I can change my reaction to others.

16. I am an important and valued member of my family.

17. I am my final authority for everything I do.

18. I accept full responsibility for all my actions.

19. Allow myself the freedom to make mistakes.

20. I make my own decisions an willingly accept the consequence.

21. I love and appreciate myself just as I am.

22. I accept all my feeling as part of my life.

23. I love to love and to be loved.

24. The more I love myself the more love I have to give to others.

25. I think for myself and speak and act with deliberation.

26. I stand up for healthy opinions and conviction for growth promoting.

27. I do not blame others for my problems, mistakes, defeats or handicaps.

28. I take deep satisfaction in doing my work conscientiously and well.

29. I face reality and resist nothing I cannot change.

30. I accept every problems and goal as a challenge to my awareness and growth.

31. My relationship with God, other and self is growing happier and more fulfilling everyday.

32. I am now enjoying every I do.

33. I vibrantly healthy and radiantly beautiful.

34. I feel happy and blissful just being alive.

35. I open to co-operate with the blessings of my loving God.

36. The light and grace of God within me is creating miracles in my life hair and now.

37. All things are now working together for good in my life.

continue reading here :


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why do nitrogen filled in modern vehicle tyres, Does filling nitrogen in tire have any benefit ?

Normal air contains about 73 % of nitrogen and rest contains 20% of oxygen and other vapor. Filling nitrogen instead of air is generally in racing cars tyres, aircraft tires and in heavy commercial vehicles. In normal air filled tyres commonly heats when running due to the moisture inside the tire. If we filled nitrogen in tires the running temperature reduces dramatically and the result is longer tyre life. In case of tubeless tires nitrogen doesn't reacts with rims. We do not need to check tyre pressure regularly if filled the tire with nitrogen ( check it after 5 months).

Some major benefits of filling nitrogen in tires are

  • Low inflation pressure loss.
  • low wheel corrosion.
  • Nitrogen prevents inner rubber deterioration by oxidation
  • Tires run cooler.
  • Increased tread life.
  • Increased mileage.
  • Helps prevent uneven wear.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

What is a shooting star?

In fact, shooting stars are not stars at all. We call them meteors, and scientist’s believe that they are broken fragments of comets, which still move about in space when the comet itself does so no longer. We see them when they enter our atmosphere because they leave a trail of light behind them, caused by the friction of the air on their surfaces. Most meteors are very small, but some can weigh several tens, and the vast majority of them disintegrate when they pass through the heat of the earth’s atmospheres. But some meteors, the larger ones, do land on earth, and when they do we call them meteorites. There are two main types of meteor – those made of minerals, which look like rock and are called aerolites, and those made chiefly of nickel and iron, which were call metallic meteors. Although it is very rare for a meteorite to fall on dry land, scientists think that many fall to earth every day, but that they land in the water which makes up two thirds of the earth’s surface. This is why we hardily ever notice when they do hit the earth.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How do we see?

The human eye is shaped like a ball with a bulge in the front. In the middle of this bulge is a hole called the pupil, which is the part we see as the black circle in the middle of the colored iris. The pupil lets in light to the eye. Behind it is the lens, which focuses the picture of what we can see. When light passes through the lens. It is turned upside down, so that an upside down pictures is the image which hits the retina.

The retina is the part of the eye which actually makes sense of what we see. It is sensitive to light, and can sort out all the different colours we see. When light hits the cells of the retina, a chemical change takes place in the cells. This starts message or impulses in the optic nerve at the back of the eye, which takes these message to the brain. The brain turns the images the right way up, and identifies them as something we can recognize. Have you ever wondered why the pupils of the eyes grow bigger and smaller? This happens according to the amount of light available. In bright light, the pupil closes up to black speck, letting through only enough light to be able to see without damaging the retina. When the light is very dim, the pupil opens up to let in as much light as possible, so that, again, we can see.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

How do animals and plants depend upon each other?

The sun is the driving force in all of the Earth’s processes. It is the sun’s rays that keep our planet warm enough for us to be able to survive, it is the weather’s motor, and provides energy for the most important process of all so far as plants and animals are concerned. The sun provides plants with the energy for photosynthesis. It is by photosynthesis that plants use the sun’s energy to convert carbon dioxide taken in from the air, and water from the soil in to the sugars and starches that make up their stems, leaves, and roots. It is a little more complicated than this, and plants need other substances as well, but this is the important process. Photosynthesis only occurs in plants that contain the complex green pigment chlorophyll, in other words in green plants.

Other types of plants depend on other means of manufacturing these materials. It is interesting to note that green plants can store energy so that photosynthesis can even occur at night.

We now have the basic food supply for the rest of the planet’s the basic food supply for the rest of the planet’s life forms. You know that cows, for example, eat grass. Without grass or other plant material available, cows could not survive. We then make use of the cow’s ability to digest grass and convert into meat and milk which we eat and drink. Thus, the cow is a herbivore, that is, an animal that feeds on plants. When we eat meat, we are behaving as carnivores or meat eaters. This demonstrate a simple chain of events, in fact, it is known as a food chain. The grass grows and is eaten by the cow which is eaten by man.

There are many other such chains. A fox may feed on rabbits, which may be eating clover. The clover may be dependent not only on the sun, water, and the air, but also on bees for pollination. These chains can be disturbed quite easily sometimes with far reaching effects. For example, should bees become reduced in number for any reason, such as a farmer using insecticides, in time the amount of clover would fall back and the rabbits might be forced to feed on the farmer’s lettuces. Obviously, the farmer will not be happy about this and may set about reducing the rabbit population. If he was too enthusiastic and all the rabbits in an area were to be wiped out, the fox would have to look elsewhere for its meals – it might even be the same farmer’s chickens.

Try to imagine multiplying these simple chains thousand of times to take the multitudes of different animals and plants into account. Now you begin to have some idea of the complicated nature of life on our planet, how animals and plants depend upon their surroundings and each other, and how easily the balance can be upset.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Who stole the British crown jewels?

You might think nobody would have the skill or the courage to steal something as precious and easily recognizable as the crown jewels. But on 9 May, 1671, a daring Irishman, Colonel Thomas Blood, made a near successful attempt to steal them. Although he and his accomplices were caught and imprisoned in the Tower of London, they were not executed, as everyone had expected. Instead, the King, Charles II was so impressed by the audacity of the robbers that he pardoned them, and even gave Colonel Blood a place at court and lands in Ireland!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Where will you see Orion the hunter?

In the sky, as Orion is a constellation of stars above the celestial equator. In Greek mythology Orion was a mighty hunter, and when he was slain by Diana he was taken up to the heavens together with his dogs. The constellation contains the shoulder stars. Betelgeuse, an orange-red, first magnitude, irregular variable star, and Bellatrix, and the giant pure white star known as Rigel.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

In which country would you see the zebra mouse?

This tiny creature with its black and brown stripes running its back is now only found in Africa. As well as being known as the zebra mouse it is also called the striped fieldmouse. It is found in many regions, amking its home in a grassy hollow, where it rests during the hot time of day, after a busy morning scampering about on the savannah. It goes searching for food in the form of pulses and grasses, but it always wary of snakes or birds of prey for whom this little mouse makes an excellent meal!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Which American President was born in a log cabin in Kentucky?

Abraham Lincoln. Lather the family moved to Indiana where the family built a ‘half-face’ which was a three-sided shelter, framed with poles and thatched with bark. He ate wild berries and learned to shoot wild turkeys for food. Later still the family went by covered wagon to New Salem, and years later his new home became the White House in Washington.D.C


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Why do we shake hands with our right hands?

The western custom of shaking hands has its origins in the past. Centuries ago men carried weapons; usually in their right hands (most people are right-handed). When one man wanted to show friendship to another, he threw down his weapons and offered his empty right hand to the other person as a sign of peace. The custom has remained. You should shake hands firmly as it is a sign of friendliness or agreement, and a limp, weak handshake does not seem genuine. But you have to be careful not to overdo it, or hurt the other person’s hand!


Monday, June 7, 2010

Who was Sir Isaac Newton?

Sir Isaac Newton is often considered to be the world’s finest scientist. Born in Lincoln in 1642, he studied at Cambridge and went on to discover the law of gravitation, and invent the first reflecting telescope. He was knighted in 1702 and died in 1727. He is buried in Westminster Abbey. He wrote his masterpiece, Principia, in 1687.


Who is Anastasia?

In 1917 the Bolshevik revolutionaries in Russia forced the Tsar, Nicholas II, to abdicate, and then imprisoned him and his family, his wife, his son and four daughters, in various places in Russia. Then in 1918 an announcement came that all the royal family as well as four of their servants, had been killed. No bodies were ever found, and there was doubt at the time as to whether all the royal family were killed. Several people later claimed to the members of the Tsar’s family, and the one who claim to be the Tsar’s youngest daughter, Anastasia. Although some relatives of the Tsar refuted her claim, others have confirmed it. Her claim is still being urged by her friends and certain members of the Romanov family. If she is indeed Anastasia, she may be able to tell the world exactly what happened to her family. And so solve a very puzzling mystery.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

How does day turn into night?

As the Earth moves around the Sun. It also spins round on its axis. This means that different parts of the Earth are lit up at different times. When our art of the Earth is lit up it is daytime for us. As we move round, away from the Sun, it becomes dark and we can see the stars; this is night-time.

The sun appears to move across the sky, but in fact the Earth is moving around the Sun.


What’s the Difference between a star and Planet?

A star is a huge ball of hot, glowing gases, which whirls in space. All stars are made up of the same two gases, hydrogen and helium, and they shine by their own light, which is produced as a result of atomic reactions in their centre, causing great heat.

Planets are different. A Planet is much smaller and more solid than a star. It does not shine by its own light, because it is not nearly hot enough to produce that light. Instead, it shines by the light of the nearest star.

Our sun is a star, and in its solar system there are nine planets-Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Which tree is almost always found near water?

The alder. It grows by the slides of rivers and lakes, or beside a water spource which has since dried up. Its tiny seeds have ‘wings’ to make them water-borne and it will only sprout in damp mud. The roots like swampy soil and the leaf-fall enriches the land. The alder has dark-grey or black bark, deeply cracked and fissured, and rich green, tooth-edged leaves. The cones, the alder’s most distinctive features, bear the seeds which float away on the water to take root else where.

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